Kipling Baptist Church


( For Past 6 months )

       December 31

   God's Forever Love

    January 7, 2024

    The Wise Came

   To Worship Jesus

          January 14, 2024

Elisha And The Community          Service Miracle

     January 21, 2024

Did You Hear The One About The Commander, The Slave Girl And The Commander ?

      January 28, 2024

   The High Cost Of Coveting-Gehazi, What    were You Thinking?

    February 4, 2024

 God's Angels Serving            God's People

      February 11, 2024

  Of God's Great Love

      February 18, 2024

 Of Ashes And Chocolates

      March 3, 2024

    God Help Us Be Content and Not Awful

     February 25, 2024

 Of Evil And Good And 

     The Child Of God

                March 10, 2024

     Be Merciful As Your Father                (In Heaven) Is Merciful

       March 17, 2024

  Jesus Came To Serve             And To Save

       March 24, 2024

    Behold Your King

        Palm Sunday

      March 29, 2024

        Good Friday

      The Crossword

   March 31, 2024

Easter Is Good News

        Pass It On

       April 6, 2024

        Living With         

   Resurrection Faith

          April 14, 2024

            Living With

Resurrection Forgiveness

         April 28, 2024

    What Can Happen

            In 40 Days

    Mother's Day  May 12, 2024

                Call Me Bitter

           Rev. Leanne Friesen

      May 26, 2024

Battered & Bruised But

 Still A Glorious Church

       May 19, 2024

     The Holy Spirit

    God's Gift To Us

      June 2, 2024

    Ready To Serve

        The Gospel

          June 9, 2024

God's Appointments Are      Not Disapointments

           June 16, 2024

      A Good Man With

         A Good Name

        June 23, 2024

        Secure In Our                  Blessed Hope

     June 30, 2024

    Be The Kind Of              Christian Canada                Needs

         July 7, 2024

   Still Before The Lord

       July 21, 2024

       Soil Lessons

       By The Lake